Five Reasons Why LiveLOOK's Live Help Technology is the Most Secure Screen Sharing Tool
Written on 05.58 by girl oh tech
1. LiveLOOK Never Writes to the Disk
LiveLOOK is an instant live help program that works solely from the browser - other programs must access a computer’s hard drive to show the screen of that computer.
Lots of other systems say they have no download, but that is not the same thing. For a web conference participant to join conferences and have the ability to show their screen in other systems, they temporarily download software written to the disk which erases itself after the conference ends.
LiveLOOK has no such requirement. The disk is never accessed.
2. Users Don’t Bypass Firewalls or Anti-malware Appliances
LiveLOOK Co Browsing and Screen Sharing are web-based services are designed to instantly establish visual sessions with no downloads or security warning pop-ups beyond the Java certificate ownership.
Most viruses, Trojans, BOTs and other harmful programs infect a system by getting into a computer’s hard drive. As a result, firewalls and other internet security programs are designed to prevent access to a hard drive especially, initiating warnings of potential threats and prompts asking for permission to continue. Security programs typically classify hard drive access attempts as Riskware: Hidden Install” or Invader”.
LiveLOOK runs over standard Internet ports 80/443 so IT networking and security teams do not have to open any non-standard ports that can potentially expose the organization to other non-web conferencing related malicious traffic.
3. Sessions are Conducted on Encrypted Servers
Sessions are established via a main server and then transferred immediately to grid servers utilizing 256-bit encryption.
4. Compliance-related Sensitive Information Can Be Masked